Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lose Upper and Lower Belly Fat

There are two main areas of belly fat: upper and lower. In reality, you abdominal muscles are actually one long slab of muscle. The problem is that it is easier to exercise the upper abdomen than it is to exercise the lower abdomen. Here are some exercises that workout each of the sections of your abs, so than you can develop that dreamed of six pack. At the end of this article will also be some fat burning tips.
Upper Belly Fat

Regular crunches. Lying flat on your back (on a mat or bench), place your hands behind your head gently to support your neck. Your knees should be bent with your feet flat on the floor. Contract you upper abdominal muscles and lift your shoulder blades off of the floor and lower back down. Repeat this several times.

Clam shell. This exercise is similar to the regular crunch, only there is an additional movement. As your bring your should blades off the floor, bring your knees in towards your midsection. When you lower your head back down, lower your legs back to the starting position.
Lower Belly Fat

Reverse crunches. Lying flat on your back, with your hands rested at your sides or behind your head, raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Cross your legs with your knees slightly bent. Contract your lower abdominal muscles and raise your hips off of the floor. You back should remain straight and on the floor. Hold the position for a second and lower back down. Repeat the exercise until fatigue.

Abdominal leg raises. You will lie on your back for this exercise as well. Place your arms down at your sides and close your legs. Press your lower abdomen into the floor as you lift your feet off of the ground. Keep your legs straight. Lower your legs back down and raise them again. Repeat.
Fat Burning Exercise

Aerobics class. Sign up for an aerobics class and get your heart pumping. Aerobic activity is great for your respiratory system. It is without question, a great way to boost your metabolism and help you burn fat. You will also have accountability with your instructor and friends.

Dancing. You can sign up for a class in dancing as well. You can take ballroom dancing, hip-hop, Latin Dance, and many other types of dance. It will get your heart pumping just as much as other aerobic activities.
Fat Burning Diet

High fiber, low sugar. Fiber can work wonders for your diet. Increasing your intake of fibers will increase your metabolism and keep you from storing as much fat. Fiber will also help you to feel full faster, so that you won’t eat as much. Reducing your refined sugar intake will also help you to lose weight. Cut down on the cookies, cakes and donuts. You should also drink water instead of soda and fruit drinks that are not 100% fruit juice. The best tried and tested fat loss diet is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Thousands of people have had amazing success with it already!

Good fats, good carbs. Monounsaturated fats are the healthy types of fats that you can have. They are found in olive and peanut oils. Lower your intake of saturated fat, because that increases your cholesterol, and packs on weight. Good carbs, or complex carbohydrates are in wheat, rye, oats, and other whole grains. Make sure your breads are 100% whole grain, and not refined. White bread products are something to avoid.

Practicing these exercises will help you to lose both of your upper and lower belly fat. If you do them and make sure that you eat properly, you will see your belly shrink down, and expose a nice six pack.

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